Anello Feeds First
Over 110,300 Meals Served To date
THE BEGINNINg (april 2020)
Our family aided in the efforts to bring homemade hot meals to all of our frontline health care workers that are working tirelessly to help those effected with COVID-19. The best way we can apply our talents is through feeding the heroes who have no time to grab lunch or dinner on the front lines. Here is how we made a difference in the fight with your support. This was not a go fund me effort, we asked you to purchase meals for 10-50 doctors and nurses ($10 a meal). Chef Johnny personally delivered over 48,000 meals from April 2020- October 2021. All proceeds went to making the meals, delivering the meals as well as 20% put aside for the small businesses of Westwood and the greater Pascack Valley small business districts. We feel it helped in 3 ways: feeding frontline workers during the pandemic, helping small business in town as well as helping our own restaurant get back to business as usual once the virus had run its course.
WHERE ARE WE NOW 2023 (100,000 meals and going)
Currently- We will be continuing our initiative with a new cause called the Wonderful World Of Birthday Wishes! We’re Teaming up with Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital and Grace’s Gold Ribbon Gang to deliver Birthday Cake, Gifts, and meals to the family, doctor’s and nurses of Kids 18 & under who are hospitalized on their Birthday. Anello Feeds First is also working with Cliffside Park Hall of Fame Inc…to provide meals in the Third Phase of New Jersey’s Sustain and Serve Grant program. The mission is to bring hot meals to our senior citizens, food pantries, and families in need.